The group meet in the Old School on the second Thursday of each month from October to April for illustrated talks on a wide variety of historical topics.
Many of these will have direct relevance to Willington, South Derbyshire and East Staffordshire whilst others will have a broader range of interest but all are catered for anyone with an interest in history in its broadest form.

Come along for a pleasant social occasion with refreshments and the opportunity to learn something new with which to amaze your friends!
New members will be welcome and any queries can be addressed to the Secretary, Roy Booth on 01283 703760 (bsrbooth@aol.com) or the Programme Organiser, John Redfern on 01283 702894 (eprrjr@talktalk.net).
Each talk/visit costs £3 to include refreshments
Starts at 7.30 p.m. in the Old Scool on Castleway and EVERYONE IS WELCOME